
DOE Logo

5th Workshop on Isotope Federal Supply and Demand

November 9, 2016
Hyatt Regency Bethesda
Regency I Ballroom
Bethesda, Maryland


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Time Topic Speaker
8:00-8:45 Registration  
8:45-9:15 Welcome and Objectives; Overview of DOE Isotope Program Jehanne Gillo, Director, Facilities and Project Management Division, Office of Nuclear Physics; Director, DOE Isotope Program, Office of Science, DOE
9:15-9:45 Response to 2015 Isotope Workshop and DOE IP Actions Marc Garland, Deputy Director, DOE Isotope Program; Program Manager for Isotope Program Operations, Office of Science, DOE
9:45-10:15 Keynote lecture:

Science and Diplomacy in the Iran Deal - Presentation Not Available
David Huizenga, Principle Assistant Deputy Administrator, Office of Defense, Nuclear Nonproliferation, National Nuclear Security Administration, DOE
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:00 Status of the New Brunswick Laboratory Program Office Peter Mason, Acting Director of the New Brunswick Laboratory Program Office, Office of Science, DOE
11:00-11:30 Activities of the National Technical Nuclear Forensic Certified Reference Material Working Group Justin Freeman, Department of Homeland Security
11:30-12:00 Quantum Computing Research at IARPA Brad Blakestad, Program Manager of LogiQ, IARPA
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:00 Status of R&D on New Isotope Production Approaches Dennis Phillips, Program Manager for Isotope Production R&D, DOE Isotope Program
2:00-2:30 Pre-clinical and Clinical Trials Supported by the National Cancer Institute Frank Lin, MD, Medical Officer
Clinical Trials Branch, Cancer Imaging Program, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health
2:30-3:00 Radioactive Materials: Physical Security and Source Management Margaret Cervera, Office of Nuclear Material Safety & Safeguards, Source Management & Protection Branch, Project Manager, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
3:00-3:20 Potential Isotope Needs of Double Beta Decay and Dark Matter Experiments Allena Opper, Program Director for Experimental Nuclear Physics, National Science Foundation
3:20-3:35 Break
3:35-4:05 The Launching of Enriched Stable Isotope Production with ESIPF in the U.S. Joel Grimm, Program Manager for Stable and Accountable Materials, DOE Isotope Program, Office of Science, DOE
4:05-4:35 Overview of the NNSA Office of Material Management and Minimization’s Convert Program Jeffrey Chamberlin, Director, Office of Conversion, Office of Material Management and Minimization, National Nuclear Security Administration, DOE
4:35 Concluding Remarks Jehanne Gillo