Michele Flores

Michele Flores

Fellowship Placement: Capitol Hill
Cohort: 2004-2005

In the office of Senator Richard J. Durbin, Michele’s role seemed all encompassing; she functioned in every capacity concerning Education. She met with constituents, answered phone calls and emails regarding education issues, and attended many meetings, forums, and briefings. She participated in a conference call concerning child nutrition and school lunch and she wrote talking points for the senator, letters to other members of congress as well as the secretary of defense. Within the first month of her Fellowship, Michele had already written and submitted two floor statements for the Senator, which meant that her work is now incorporated in the Congressional record.

Since her AEF fellowship and since moving to Maine in 2008, Michele has been awarded the Maine Governor's STEM Fellowship as well as being the 2015 Hancock County Teacher of the Year. She continues to enjoy being as an educator and currently serves as the science teacher for grades 5-8 at Deer Isle Stonington Elementary School.