Edward J. Stevens

Edward J. Stevens

Edward J. Stevens
Program Manager
Facilities Upgrades
Major Items of Equipment
Office of Basic Energy Sciences
SC-32.3/Germantown Building
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20585-1290
E-Mail: Edward.Stevens@science.doe.gov
Phone: (301) 903-4957
Fax: (301) 903-1690

Edward J. Stevens joined the Scientific User Facilities Division of DOE’s Office of Basic Energy Sciences in April, 2016 as a construction program manager.  Previously he had five years of experience in the Facilities, Operations, and Projects (FOP) Division of Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) where he worked on the ITER project (ORNL).  Mr. Stevens was also the construction PM for the LCLS Matter in Extreme Conditions instrument project (SLAC) and the construction PM for the NDCX-II Project (LBNL).  Mr. Stevens also concurrently worked in the FES Research Division where he managed the SBIR and research programs for the tritium fuel cycle materials, neutronics, and nuclear safety (which funded lab, university, and industry R&D at INL, LANL, LLNL, ORNL, UCLA, UW, Ultramet, HyPerComp, Nanohmics) and he has served on multiple external project reviews for SC and SLI.

From 2004-2010 Mr. Stevens was the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center site office senior project engineer (similar to FPD) overseeing the integration and test program for the Space Shuttle and Ares programs solid propulsion systems.  From 1993-2004 Mr. Stevens worked in Engineering and in Project Management at NASA/GSFC where he designed, analyzed & tested satellites and mechanical and scientific equipment for safe, reliable operation in the harsh space environment on the Space Station, Space Shuttle, rockets, and scientific balloons.


M.S., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, George Washington University, 1999
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Brigham Young University, 1995
Certified Project Management Professional, Project Management Institute, 2012