Real-Time Diagnostics for Better Engines
Scientists map atomic-level changes in the components of a running internal combustion engine using neutron techniques.
Scientists map atomic-level changes in the components of a running internal combustion engine using neutron techniques.
Ultrafast electrons shed light on the web of hydrogen bonds that gives water its strange properties, vital for many chemical and biological processes.
Measuring the shape of intense bursts of terahertz light paves the way for future accelerator technologies.
The first report of room temperature ferroelectricity in bulk hafnia could extend Moore’s Law for data storage.
Studies of a common catalyst suggest strategies for improving the conversion of a natural gas component to useful chemicals.
Understanding platinum degradation could reduce waste and lower cost of a promising green technology, hydrogen fuel cells.
Paralyzed mice “walk” again after new treatment created with the aid of the Advanced Photon Source.
Using an ensemble of artificial intelligence (AI) agents enabled faster, more accurate data analysis of synchrotron x-ray data.
Monitoring photo-excited electrons in real time with nanometer sensitivity reveals strengths and weaknesses in a common light-harvesting material.
Researchers enable real-time adjustments to communication among three remote nodes in a quantum network.
Arsenic doping dramatically improves the ability of black phosphorous to convert heat into electricity.
New experiment finds evidence of a collective behavior of electrons to form particle-like quantum objects called “anyons.”