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U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

Science Highlights

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Single Atoms in Nano-Cages

Tiny cages can trap and release inert argon gas atoms, allowing their further study and providing a new way to capture rare gases.

See What Lies Beneath

Real-time imaging shows how hydrogen causes oxygen to leave a buried surface, transforming an oxide into a metal.

Watching Catalysts Evolve in 3-D

Scientists reveal structural, chemical changes as nickel-cobalt particles donate electrons, vital for making better batteries, fuel cells.

The Tricky Trifecta of Solar Cells

The quest for solar cell materials that are inexpensive, stable, and efficient leads to a breakthrough in thin film organic-inorganic perovskites.

Quantum Computing Building Blocks

Scientists invent a new approach to creating ordered patterns of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond, a promising approach to storing and computing quantum data.

Light Strikes Gold

Scientists advance the precision controlled synthesis of gold nanocrystals, which could create new catalysts that improve industrial energy efficiency.
