DOE-NP SBIR/STTR Exchange Meeting
August 6-7 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Presentation / Title Speaker Organization
Welcome and Introductory Remarks Gillo, Jehanne DOE, Office of Nuclear Physics
NP SBIR/STTR Program Overview Farkhondeh, Manouchehr DOE, Office of Nuclear Physics
Polyhedral User Mapping Assistant and Visualizer (Puma-V) Langston, Harper Reservoir Labs, Inc., NY
Non-Invasive Beam Monitor, Fast Kicker, Bunch Shaper and Photogun Roberts, Brock Electrodynamic, NM
Radiation Resistant Magnetic Field Sensor Kochergin, Vladimir MicroXact, Inc., VA
NP Low Energy Facilities and the SBIR/STTR Program Macchiavelli, Augusto Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Development of a Superconducting RF Harmonic Cavity For eRHIC Boulware, Chase/ Grimm, Terry Niowave, Inc., MI
Modular Planar Germanium Detector Systems For High Resolution Gramma-Ray Spectroscopy And Tracking Arrays Hull, Ethan PHDs Co., TN
Perm-Pump: A Power-Free Hydrogen-Extraction Permeation Pump for XHV (Note: This talk was cancelled.) Mulhollan, Gregory Saxet Surface Science, TX
TJNAF Facility and the SBIR/STTR Program Pilat, Fulvia Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Low Cost, High-Density Digital Electronics for Nuclear Physics Skulski, Wojciech SkuTek Instrumentation, NY
GaAsSb/AlGaAsP Superlattice "with DBR" Polarized Electron Source Chen, Yiqiao SVT Associates, Inc., MN.
Digital Silicon Photomultiplier Array Readout Integrated Circuits Lee, Adam Voxtel, Inc., OR
Semiconductor Detectors with Optimized Proximity Signal Readout Asztalos, Stephen XIA LLC, CA
Low-Latency Ultra-High Capacity Holographic Data Storage Archive Library Anderson, Ken Akonia Holographics, LLC, CO
Thin Diamond for Time-of-Flight Detectors Tabeling, Joseph Applied Diamond, Inc., DE
Ferroelectric Based High Power Components for L-Band Accelerator Applications Jing, Chunguang/
Kanareykin, Alex
Euclid Techlabs, LLC, OH

Friday, August 7, 2015

Presentation / Title Speaker Organization
Digital SQUID Magnetometers for Read-out of Detectors and Magnetic Particles Radparvar, Masoud Hypres, Inc., NY
GaAsSb/ALGaAs Superlattice High-Polarization Electron Source with DBR Chen, Yiqiao SVT Associates, Inc., MN
Development of MgB2 Superconducting Coils for Nuclear Physics Applications Rindfleisch, Matthew Hyper Tech Research, Inc., OH
Production of Commercial High Specific Activity Sn-117M Radiochemical and Chelates Stevenson, Nigel Clear Vascular, Inc., TX
Commercial Superconducting Electron Linac for Radioisotope Production Boulware, Chase/ Grimm, Terry Niowave, Inc., MI
RHIC Facility and the SBIR/STTR Program Blaskiewicz, Mike BNL
Refractory Oxides with Tunable Porosity and Geometry as Versatile Fast-Release Solid Catchers for Rare Isotopes Sampathkumaran, Uma InnoSense LLC, CA
Advance Additive Manufacturing Method for SRF Cavities of Various Geometries Frigola, Pedro /
Ruelas, Marcos
Radiabeam Technologies, LLC., Santa Monica, CA
High Radiation Environment Nuclear Fragment Separator Magnet Kahn, Stephen Muons, Inc., IL
NP Isotope Program and Facilities and the SBIR/STTR Program John, Kevin Los Alamos National Laboratory
Integrated Modeling Tool for Electron-Beam Based Ion-Sources Kim, Jin-Soo FAR-TECH, Inc., CA
High Density Low Cost Readout Electronics for Large Scale Radiation Detectors; Tan, Hui XIA LLC, Hayward, CA
High-Performance Plasma Panel Based Micropattern Detector Friedman, Peter Integrated Sensors, LLC, OH
Thin-Window P-Type Point-Contact Germanium Detectors for Rare Particle Detection Hull, Ethan PHDs Co., Knoxville, TN
Novel Polishing Process to Fabricate Ultra Low Thickness Variation Diamond Substrates for Next Generation Beam Tracking Detectors Arjunan, Arul Sinmat Inc., Gainesville, FL
Update on the Department of Energy SBIR/STTR Program, Q/A Hebron, Carl DOE, SBIR/STTR Office