Quantum Information Science (QIS)

High Energy Physics (HEP) supports fundamental research for public benefit to understand how our universe works at its most fundamental level. The HEP-QIS core research program has been developed via a series of community round tables, pilot studies, and reports since 2014 including: Grand Challenges at the Interface of Quantum Information Science and Particle Physics, and Computing and Quantum Sensors at the Intersections of Fundamental Science and Quantum Information Science and Computing. HEP’s workshop reports can be found here.

HEP issued its first funding opportunity in quantum information science (QIS), “Quantum Information Science Enabled Discovery (QuantISED),” in FY 2018 as part of the SC Initiative in QIS, followed by a second QuantISED funding opportunity in FY 2019. The HEP-QIS QuantISED program is aligned with the “Science First” driver for the national QIS program and requires interdisciplinary partnerships between HEP and QIS researchers. Topics supported include foundational theory and simulations connecting the cosmos to laboratory qubits, QIS enabled quantum sensors and novel experiments to explore new physics, HEP developed technology for QIS and quantum computing approaches for particle physics experiments.

HEP peer reviewed and renewed some of the QuantISED laboratory efforts and university consortia. Relevant abstracts are posted below.

SC Statement on Quantum Information Science
The Office of Science discusses the emerging and cross-cutting field of Quantum Information Science (QIS) in a Dear Colleague Letter here.

SC Quantum Information Science Initiative
Discover Office of Science quantum information science activities that span multiple program offices here.

Award Lists and Abstracts


Current and Past Funding Opportunities
All current and past HEP funding opportunities can be found here.


Adam Iaizzi, PhD
Email: adam.iaizzi@science.doe.gov