Archives of BES CRAs June 2008
The research portfolio of the Basic Energy Sciences (BES) program consists of distinct Core Research Activities (CRAs), which align with the BES organizational and budget structures.
FY 2007 Budget Authority, B/A, Dollars in Thousands
(from FY 2007 column of FY 2009 President's Budget Request)
Materials Sciences and Engineering Division
FY 2007 | CRA Title |
42,720 | Experimental Condensed Matter Physics |
23,208 | Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics |
12,626 | Mechanical Behavior and Radiation Effects |
25,964 | Physical Behavior of Materials |
38,943 | Neutron and X-Ray Scattering (includes CRA that follows) |
Ultrafast Science and Instrumentation (budget included above) | |
23,021 | Electron and Scanning Probe Microscopies |
7,280 | EPSCoR |
15,592 | Synthesis and Processing Science |
46,439 | Materials Chemistry (budget combined with CRA below) |
46,439 | Biomolecular Materials (budget combined with CRA above) |
Scientific User Facilities Division
FY 2007 | CRA Title |
506,177 | Neutron and X-Ray Scattering Facilities |
92,922 | Nanoscience Science Research Centers |
8,040 | Electron-beam Microcharacterization Centers |
1,476 | Accelerator and Detector Research |
Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division
FY 2007 | CRA Title |
18,112 | Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Sciences |
33,877 | Chemical Physics Research |
30,603 | Solar Photochemistry |
28,925 | Energy Biosciences Research (Photosynthetic Systems; Physical Biosciences) |
39,711 | Catalysis Science |
15,860 | Separations and Analysis |
9,427 | Heavy Element Chemistry |
21,392 | Geosciences Research |