Dr. Craig Henderson

Program Manager
Materials Chemistry
Acting Team Lead
Materials Discovery Design and Synthesis
Materials Sciences and Engineering Division
Office of Basic Energy Sciences
SC-32.2/Germantown Building, Rm F-425
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20585-1290
Phone: (301) 903-0805
Fax: (301) 903-9513
Dr. Henderson joined BES in October 2011 after spending 20 years at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in the Material Sciences and Engineering Center. Prior to his professional career as a materials chemist at Sandia, Dr. Henderson received his Ph.D. in organic chemistry from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and a B.S. in chemistry from Duke University, Durham, NC.
In his current role at BES, Dr. Henderson serves as the co-Program Manager for the Materials Chemistry Program, manages 14 of the 46 Energy Frontier Research Centers, and assists the liaison between BES and the technology programs at DOE (primarily for Electrical Energy Storage). As a principal member of technical staff and later as a research department manager at SNL, Dr. Henderson worked in both fundamental and applied research. His primary area of research was the synthesis and degradation of organic materials, including fullerene materials, non-linear optical dyes, high temperature polyurethanes, and photoactive polymers for photoresists. He was responsible for a broader range of material science projects as the manager of the Microsystems Processing Department at Sandia/Livermore CA. He has authored or co-authored over 30 publications on these topics in addition to a US patent.
His previous experience in Washington includes a four year assignment as a technical detailee from SNL to the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) of the DOE in support of the planning and programming for the NNSA science and engineering R&D campaigns. Dr. Henderson also spent two years as a rotator in the Office of Integrative Activities, National Science Foundation, managing grant programs for major research instrumentation and academic laboratory renovations.