Scientific Grand Challenges Workshop Series

Engaging science communities to discuss scientific
grand challenges and the role of scientific computing

ASCR is in the process of, in partnership with the other Science programs, a series of collaborative meetings, each focusing on the grand challenges of a specific scientific domain and the role for scientific computing in addressing those challenges. The primary goal of these meetings is to engage the relevant scientific communities in a dialogue to identify the opportunities and challenges ahead and the role for scientific computing and multi-disciplinary partnerships.

Each meeting will be limited to approximately 50 invited technical leaders in the field of extreme scale computing, with a highly focused agenda targeted at identifying ways to overcome the most challenging technical issues and establishing a list of actionable recommendations. Each meeting will produce a report for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program office that has the specific scientific domain in its portfolio. The reports will also be available to the broad scientific and general community.

The technical meeting series is being organized by a coordinating committee that will produce a summary report from all meetings held with an overview of all activities and a high-level description of the recommendations common to all meetings.

Please contact ASCR for additional information or inquiries.

Schedule and Additional Information
Challenges in Climate Change Science and the Role of Computing at the Extreme Scale

The Climate Science workshop was held November 6-7, 2008 in Washington, DC.
Warren Washington from NCAR was the Chair


Challenges for the Understanding the Quantum Universe and the Role of Computing at the Extreme Scale

The High Energy Physics extreme scale workshop was held December, 9-11, 2008 at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA
The Chair was Roger Blandford from KIPAC/SLAC. Co-Chairs were Young-Kee Kim from FNAL and Norman Christ, Columbia

Forefront Questions in Nuclear Science and the Role of High Performance Computing

The Nuclear Physics workshop was January 26-28, 2009 in Washington, DC.
The Chair was Glenn Young from ORNL. Co-Chairs were David Dean from ORNL and Martin Savage, University of Washington


Scientific Grand Challenges in Fusion Energy Sciences and the Role of Computing at the Extreme Scale

The Fusion Energy Sciences workshop was March 18-20, 2009 in Washington, DC
Bill Tang from PPPL was the Chair and David Keyes from Columbia was Co-Chair


Fusion Energy Sciences Workshop Report

Science Based Nuclear Energy Systems Enabled by Advanced Modeling and Simulation at the Extreme Scale

The Nuclear Energy Science Scientific Grand Challenges Workshop was May 11-12, 2009 in Washington, DC.
Robert Rosner from ANL was the Chair and Ernie Moniz from MIT was the Co-Chair.

Nucler Energy Workshop Report

Discovery in Basic Energy Sciences: The Role of Computing at the Extreme Scale

The Material Science and Chemistry workshop was August 13-15, 2009 in Washington, DC.
Guilia Galli from the University of California at Davis was the Chair and the Co-Chair was Thom Dunning, University of Illinois


Materials Science, Physics and Chemistry Workshop Report

Opportunities in Biology at the Extreme Scale of Computing

The Biology workshop was August 17-19, 2009 in Chicago, IL
Professor Rick Stevens, ANL/University of Chicago) was Chair and Professor Mark Ellisman from the University of California San Diego was the Co-Chair


Scientific Grand Challenges in National Security: the Role of Computing at the Extreme Scale

The National Security workshop was October 6-8 , 2009 in Washington, DC.
The Chair was Paul Messina, ANL and the Co-Chair was Alan Bishop, LANL


Architectures and Technology for Extreme Scale Computing

The Architectures and Technology workshop was December 8-10, 2009 in San Diego, CA.
The Chair was Rick Stevens from ANL and Andrew White from LANL was the Co-Chair


Cross-cutting Technologies for Computing at the Exascale Workshop

The Crosscutting workshop was February 2-4, 2010 in Washington, DC.
The Chair was Paul Messina, ANL. The Co-Chair was David Brown, LLNL.


Related Documents

Exascale Workshop Panel Meeting Workshop Report




Modeling and Simulation at the Exascale for Energy and the Environment Town Hall Meetings Workshop Report

The objective of this ten-year vision is to focus the computational science experiences gained over the past ten years on the opportunities introduced with exascale computing to revolutionize our approaches to energy, environmental sustainability and security global challenges.
