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U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

University Research

Duke University

Natural Mechanism Could Lower Emissions From Tropical Peatlands

Scientists have long feared that as Earth warms, tropical peatlands -- which store up to 10 percent of the planet’s soil carbon -- could dry out, decay and release vast pools of carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere, rapidly accelerating climate change. A new international study headed by researchers at Florida State University and Duke University, reveals the outlook may not be as bleak.

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University California Irvine

‘Cloud Computing’ Takes on New Meaning for Scientists

Clouds may be wispy puffs of water vapor drifting through the sky, but they’re heavy lifting computationally for scientists wanting to factor them into climate simulations. Researchers from the University of California, Irvine, the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Columbia University have turned to data science to achieve better cumulus calculating results.

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Princeton University

Princeton Scientists Discover a 'Tuneable' Novel Quantum State of Matter

An international team of researchers led by Princeton physicist Zahid Hasan has discovered a quantum state of matter that can be “tuned” at will — and it’s 10 times more tuneable than existing theories can explain. This level of manipulability opens enormous possibilities for next-generation nanotechnologies and quantum computing.

Read more about Princeton Scientists Discover a 'Tuneable' Novel Quantum State of Matter