Perfecting the Noise-Canceling Neutrino Detector
MicroBooNE neutrino experiment cuts through the noise, clearing the way for signals made by the hard-to-detect particle.
MicroBooNE neutrino experiment cuts through the noise, clearing the way for signals made by the hard-to-detect particle.
Detector measures the energy a neutrino imparts to protons and neutrons to help explain the nature of matter and the universe.
Large-scale simulations of quarks promise precise view of reactions of astrophysical importance.
Researchers demonstrate a new technique that could lead to significantly higher power proton beams used to answer tough scientific questions.
Seeding x-ray free electron lasers with customized electron beams produces incredibly stable laser pulses that could enable new scientific discoveries.
New results confirm the rate of Higgs boson production, matching our understanding of how the universe works.
New searches for sterile neutrinos, hypothetical particles that do not directly “talk to” any particles in the Standard Model, significantly narrow the remaining regions where these particles may be hiding.
Discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass, garners the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass, garners the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Argonne superconducting radiofrequency technology boosts a variety of applications.
Detection of subtle polarization patterns in the Cosmic Microwave Background opens a new window on fundamental physics and cosmology.
Novel high temperature superconductor magnet technology charts new territory.