Molecular Modeling Reveals How Nanocrystals Take Shape
The shape of tiny silver seeds made of fewer than 200 atoms depends on their precise size and temperature and defines the shape of the final nanoparticle.
The shape of tiny silver seeds made of fewer than 200 atoms depends on their precise size and temperature and defines the shape of the final nanoparticle.
Strange metals defy the 60-year-old understanding of electric current as a flow of discrete charges.
Inorganic precursors chosen based on new criteria led to higher phase purity for 32 out of 35 target materials synthesized in a robotic laboratory.
Theorists propose a new approach to electroluminescent cooling that works like inverted solar photovoltaic cells.
Excess oxygen on the surface of the metal oxide catalyst copper oxide promotes hydrogen oxidation but suppresses carbon monoxide oxidation.
Particle lifetime measurements with early data from the Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB accelerator demonstrate the experiment’s high precision.
Researchers leveraged advanced X-ray imaging for a nondestructive way to peer inside complex 3D nanomaterials with record resolution.
Electron transfer between atomically thin materials triggers the ultrafast release of heat.
Scientists learn how to manipulate quantum properties in graphene to create resistance-free, electricity channels for loss-free future electronics.
Synchrotron X-ray spectroscopy allows atom-level examination of iron and terbium atoms.
Two types of superconductivity compete at the edge between a topological semimetal and a conventional metal, causing the electrons to switch behavior erratically.
By using a small number of photons to process information, two-dimensional quantum materials can lead to secure, energy-efficient communications.