One Photon or Two?
First mixed matter/anti-matter probe aims to solve decade-old proton puzzle.
First mixed matter/anti-matter probe aims to solve decade-old proton puzzle.
Nuclear physics research with radioactive beams enhanced by high-efficiency charge-breeding techniques.
Scientists synthesized a theoretically-predicted material with unusual current-carrying properties that could open the door for next-generation electronics.
Generating and moving small, stable magnetic islands at room temperature could be the ticket to more energy-efficient electronics.
Bio-based molecular machines mechanically extrude tiny tubes and form networks, aiding in the design of self-repairing materials.
Major milestone in molecular electronics scored by Molecular Foundry and Columbia University team.
Tiny “match-head” wires act as built-in light concentrators, enhancing solar cell efficiency.
For the first time, electron tomography reveals the 3D coordinates of individual atoms and defects in a material.
Creation of new neutral-charge, long-life quasiparticles may help explain high-temperature superconductivity.
Elucidating Cerium Solution Chemistry
New technique measures uranium, thorium, and palladium with efficiencies up to 500 times greater than current standard.
New scalable cost-effective ultracold neutron detector has many applications.