“Mirror” Nuclei Help Connect Nuclear Theory and Neutron Stars
Charge radii measurements of silicon isotopes test nuclear theories and guide descriptions of nuclear matter.
Charge radii measurements of silicon isotopes test nuclear theories and guide descriptions of nuclear matter.
Researchers find that the quantum flavor and momentum states of the neutrinos in a supernova are strongly entangled through frequent interactions.
Researchers develop a framework to predict subcooled flow boiling and critical heat flux.
Measurements from the LHCb collaboration expand scientific understanding of how individual quarks assemble to form observable matter.
Scientists use a large-scale statistical analysis to extract the viscosity of hot, dense nuclear matter created at different heavy ion collision energies.
Researchers used single crystal X-ray diffraction to learn about the structure and bonding of a highly radioactive radium compound.
Theory uncovers the formation process and dynamics of atomic-scale defects for generating and controlling qubits for quantum computers and sensors.
Electric fields in a crystal of Ni2Mo3O8 create spin excitons and elusive magnetic order.
Research on ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms reshapes scientists’ perspective on those microbes’ physiology and ecological niche.
For the first time, researchers discovered magnetic order at high temperature in a metal widely used by the electronics industry.
Scientists create a genome-wide map of gene activity in bacteriophages.
Pseudomonas putida uses cheap plant biomass as a carbon source to make the precursor isoprenol.