For Plasma with a Hot Core and Cool Edges, Super-H Mode Shows Promise
Leveraging peeling physics in current tokamaks improves fusion performance and integrates with exhaust solutions for future fusion reactors.
Leveraging peeling physics in current tokamaks improves fusion performance and integrates with exhaust solutions for future fusion reactors.
The novel Lyman-alpha Measurement Apparatus (LLAMA) measures neutral particles in a fusion device and the fueling they provide.
An operating mode called wide pedestal quiescent H-mode allows tokamak operation without detrimental edge instabilities.
New approach helps protect tokamak walls while maintaining fusion conditions in the core.
First observation of embedded magnetic islands paves way for improved fusion reactor designs.
Electromagnetic waves are used to internally identify turbulent magnetic fluctuations in 100-million-degree fusion plasmas.
New measurements show that fast flows in a tokamak plasma help remove and prevent impurities.
Research on techniques for studying the chemical properties of superheavy elements might also help recover a strategically important metal.
DIII-D researchers create barriers to separate core heat from the cooler edge of a tokamak
New simulations show diamond shells can cool plasmas more efficiently and prevent runaway electrons
Researchers use a supercomputer to understand the mysterious “isotope effect” for better fusion reactors.
Researchers address the challenge of integrating the hot core and the cooler edge of a fusion plasma.