Beyond the “Sound Barrier” to Get the Heat Out
Neutron scattering reveals supersonic particles that carry heat and may improve electronics and sensors.
Read more about Beyond the “Sound Barrier” to Get the Heat Out
Neutron scattering reveals supersonic particles that carry heat and may improve electronics and sensors.
Read more about Beyond the “Sound Barrier” to Get the Heat OutDetailed view of atoms opens doors for new designs to convert atomic displacements to electrical energy.
Read more about New Insights into a Long-Standing Debate About Materials that Turn Motion into ElectricityNeutron probes and theory reveal how electrons cooperate at lower temperatures.
Gel uses nanoparticles for on-demand control of droplet shapes, of interest for energy storage and catalysis.
Where does the heat go when a glass melts into a liquid? Not to changing the vibrations of atoms….
Observed atomic dynamics helps explain bizarre flow without friction that has been puzzling scientists for decades.
Scientists achieved thin films with structures virtually impossible via traditional methods.
Neutrons provide the solution to nanoscale examination of living cell membrane and confirm the existence of lipid rafts.
Researchers demonstrate a new technique that could lead to significantly higher power proton beams used to answer tough scientific questions.
More atomic bonds is the key for performance in a newly discovered family of cage-structured compounds.
Neutron-scattering studies reveal surprising formation of ammonia after acetonitrile is turned into graphitic polymer, opening doors for catalyst-free industrial reactions at room temperature.
Evidence for a new kind of water molecule, trapped within nanotunnels inside an emerald.