Scientists Trace ‘Poisoning’ in Chemical Reactions to the Atomic Scale
Researchers have revealed new atomic-scale details about pesky deposits that can stop or slow chemical reactions vital to fuel production and other processes. This disruption to reactions is known as deactivation or poisoning.
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PPPL and Princeton Researchers Propose an Explanation for the Mysterious Onset of a Universal Process
Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and Princeton University have proposed a groundbreaking solution to a mystery that has puzzled physicists for decades.
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Ames Laboratory Scientists Create New Compound, First Intermetallic Double Salt With Platinum
Materials researchers Anja-Verena Mudring and Volodymyr Smetana were the first to create and accurately characterize the compound.
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NSLS-II User Profiles: Sana Rani & Alicia Broderick
Sana Rani and Alicia Broderick are Ph.D. students in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department at the University of Delaware. During an experiment conducted at NSLS-II's Coherent Soft X-Ray 2 (CSX-2) beamline earlier this year, they studied the compound zinc oxide. NSLS-II is a User Facility at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory.
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New Tabletop Technique Probes Outermost Electrons of Atoms Deep Inside Solids
Scientists at the Stanford PULSE Institute have invented a new way to probe the valence electrons of atoms deep inside a crystalline solid, using laser light to excite, steer, and bounce the valence electrons off other atoms, giving clues to the material’s atomic structure and function.
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A New Understanding of Metastability Clears Path for Next-Generation Materials
Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have published a new study that, for the first time, explicitly quantifies the thermodynamic scale of metastability for almost 30,000 known materials.
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Engineering a More Efficient System for Harnessing Carbon Dioxide
A team from the Max-Planck-Institute (MPI) for Terrestrial Microbiology in Marburg, Germany, by tapping the DNA synthesis expertise of the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI) has reverse engineered a biosynthetic pathway for more effective carbon fixation.
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Brookhaven Lab Advances its Computational Science and Data Analysis Capabilities
Using leading-edge computer systems and participating in computing standardization groups, Brookhaven will enhance its ability to support data-driven scientific discoveries.
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3-D Imaging Technique Maps Migration of DNA-carrying Material at the Center of Cells
Using X-ray imaging tools at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) scientists have mapped the reorganization of genetic material that takes place when a stem cell matures into a nerve cell.
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Supercomputer Simulations Help Develop New Approach to Fight Antibiotic Resistance
Oak Ridge National Laboratory leveraged powerful supercomputing to support research led by University of Oklahoma scientists to identify chemicals that seek out and disrupt bacterial proteins called efflux pumps, known to be a major cause of antibiotic resistance.
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Ultraprecise Measurements in XXL
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, called DESI, has an ambitious goal: to scan more than 35 million galaxies in the night sky to track the expansion of our universe and the growth of its large-scale structure over the last 10 billion years. Using DESI — a project led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory — scientists hope to create a 3-D map of a third of the night sky that is more accurate and precise than any other.
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Cori Supercomputer Now Fully Installed at Berkeley Lab
Cori, the Cray XC40 system that is the latest addition to the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center’s (NERSC) supercomputing repertoire, is now fully installed and ready to support scientific simulations and data-intensive workflows.
Read more about Cori Supercomputer Now Fully Installed at Berkeley Lab